Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Just Roll With It

Lately I have had a lot of people, mostly strangers make comments to me when they learn that I have a four year, a two year old and twin infant girls. Here are just a few:

"Wow, you are crazy girl!" 
"You really have your hands full, huh!"
 "I bet they keep you busy!" 
and my all time favorite:
 "Uh-uh" (while they shake their head with eyebrows raised). 

Maybe I'm just used to it all by now and we've gotten a pretty good routine down or I'm not seeing what everybody else is seeing. My life was busy before the twins and it hasn't been that much more busy. My hands are always full with a two year old but I've gotten pretty good at juggling. Yes, I am crazy for having identical twins but here is the twist: identical twins are spontaneous therefore we didn't plan to have twins.

On the flip side of things, I can't tell you how many times people go on and on about how impressed they are or that I'm amazing or how they strive to be like me. It is very flattering but also extremely awkward because, again, I don't see what they are seeing!!
I see a messy house, piles of laundry, dried spit up on shirts, unwashed hair, unbathed children and a sleepy momma. I love getting the compliments but I never have a good response it seems! I just smile and say something like, "Oh, no,  but thank you". I know people are being genuine in their comments both positive and negative but I don't think they fully understand our life right now. I may show up on time, dressed with make up on and look put together but they are not "behind the scenes" to it all!

Today I had my Mom2Mom fellowship. I mentioned in passing to them that I would take a picture of my house as soon as I got home to show them that I, in fact, do not have it all together. Mom2Mom meets every Wednesday from 10am-12pm and then we have lunch together until 1:00. I have to leave my house by 9:00am in order to get to our church building, unload the kids (lunches, backpacks, stroller and car seats), get them checked in and to their rooms by 9:45. Did I also mention it was trash day? Thankfully, Jessie got the trash can to the curb this morning for me but I of course did not empty the bathroom trash cans...

Wednesdays have become my "Wild and Wacked Out Wednesday" because it is utter chaos trying to get ready to leave for M2M. The pictures I took are after getting home and unloading the car (back packs, lunch boxes and twin's car seats). We left breakfast on the top of the table and stove, dishes in sink (dishwasher was full and clean but I hadn't had time to unload), unwashed bottles in other sink and the boys destroyed the living room while I got myself and the girls ready. They had pulled everything out in the playroom yesterday but we never got to cleaning it up. Oh, I had also done laundry last night but didn't want to wake boys to put things away and of course didn't have time this morning. 

Wednesdays are always crazy and insane.    I hardly get anything done until later in the afternoon and boys rarely nap. Today was much different! They stayed in their room, withe the iPad, the girls slept and I was able to get a lot of things picked up and cleaned. The house did not stay messy for long and it is usually in a much better state than the pictures show, except on Wednesdays!

In our small group at M2M we were asked a question, and I don't remember the exact wording, about how we would describe how we handle things right now (I think that was the question?). Anyway, my answer was this:

Just Roll With It

Life is full of crashing wave and winding roads. If you fight too hard you will get worn out and eventually pulled under. If you try too hard to make things go your exact way you will end up crashing and burning. Give it all over to God and just roll with life. As you can tell I am far from perfect. God doesn't expect perfection so why should I, as a human being, expect it from myself? All we can do is our best! I am human. I am mom of four kids ages 4 and under. I can not get it all done and that is a fact of life. 

From the wise words of the adorable Easton Corbin:

Baby we'll roll with it
Won't think about it too much
Baby let's just go with it
And get out of this ordinary everyday rut

We get so caught up in catching up
Trying to pay the rent trying to make a buck
That don't leave much time for time for us
And aint life too short for that

Angie K