Sunday, June 7, 2015

Pregnancy: Pleasant vs Painful

Okay ladies! This one is for you! 

How many of you have been pregnant? How many times? Once, twice, several? I am getting close to the beginning of the third trimester of my third pregnancy! Here's  the catch though...this time I'm having twins!!!  

Twin girls to be precise and I haven't decided if this go round has been more pleasant or painful verses my last couple pregnancies. Obviously there is going to be a difference these last few months but since the beginning of this one it hasn't been too bad!

Let me explain my first two pregnancies and birth:

My first pregnancy was amazing! No morning sickness/nausea AT ALL, no worrisome calls or visits to my physician and very little aches and pains. I did swell a lot towards the end but it was just water retention. Delivery was a whole other ballgame. We had to induce. For a couple weeks before delivery I was in prime condition to go into labor. 100% effaced and 4cm dilated!!! I stayed like that for two weeks! Induction time came and little man still took his time. 12 hours from start of pitocin (induction meds) to when the baby came. 
I know that isn't as long as some women labor but my body was ready...the baby not so much. In fact, he decided to give us a little scare. His heart rate dropped 3x and I ended up pushing for an hour in the OR only to be wheeled back to my room and push some more after things calmed down and then little man made his debut!

My second pregnancy was a little more challenging. Again, no nausea or morning sickness but we did have a few hospital visits and extra ultra sounds. I got dehydrated from a stomach bug and later on in the pregnancy I passed a kidney stone. This time my little monster decided he wanted to come early. In fact he decided to time his arrival almost perfectly. By perfectly, I mean he decided to arrive on our wedding anniversary! Labor and delivery were much shorter. In fact, the labor pains weren't all that bad but consistent enough for me to call and get admitted. Just a few short hours later he was here!

This time it is much different in both good and bad ways. I haven't been having really bad pains except for the normal round ligament pain and I was only nauseous/morning sickness for a week at the very beginning. Now I will say I am HUGE. Yes, I am very large but it is expected when carrying twins. I'm almost the size I was at the very end of my other pregnancies but I've still got about 10 weeks to go! Now that I am getting farther along and getting close to the third trimester I've noticed some pretty big differences:

Shaving has already become quite a challenge. I'm having to get out of the shower and sit on the edge of the tub to shave my legs. Shaving "down there" has been a feat all on its own! 

Being intimate with the hubby has now become less romantic and more comical. We still enjoy our time together but having to accommodate my growing belly has forced us to become creative much earlier than other times.

Attempting to by clothes that will still look cute, help beat the summer heat and fit towards the end is brand new challenge for me! I've decided the people who make maternity clothes needs to make a line of shirts just for moms carrying multiples! I may end up having to take my grandmother's advice and invest in some moo-moos. (Picture the gowns that old ladies wear around the house or nursing homes...).

Have you had many differences in your pregnancies? I would love to hear your pleasant or painful pregnancy, labor and delivery stories. Our bodies do amazing things and knowing that each one of us is different and unique but still built to create and delivery life amazing me! 

Praises to Him,

Angie K

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