Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Twincess Story pt 3

For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things. Psalm 107:9

Friday July 24:

What a fun and difficult day with the girls today. I got some skin to skin time with Kaylee during the mid-morning visit. We met their "speech therapist" later in the day. She assesses their sucking, swallowing, and breathing while they eat. While we were there in the afternoon she was working with Kaylee. She said Kaylee was doing very well coordinating her breathing, swallowing and sucking. She said Kaylee will continue to improve her pacing as she continues to use the bottle and practice on the breast. 

We weren't there for Amelia's evaluation but the speech therapist said Amelia loves her bottle. She isn't ready for a bottle while on her back but while laying on her side (as if she is breastfeeding) she does very well! She is doing great practicing breastfeeding too!

Both girls had an IV in their heads when we got there around 11ish. By the afternoon their IV's were making their faces a little swollen and the nurses decided to change them out. It was very hard to watch them pull the tape off of Kaylee's head, with all her hair, while she cried. It was even harder to watch them poke around on her (very carefully) looking for a vein. The had two other "vein specialists" come in to try. After what seemed like forever they were finally able to find a good vein. Thankfully, Amelia's veins weren't too hard to find and the specialist was able to get one pretty quickly. Taking Amelia's head IV out wasn't as bad since she slept through most of it and didn't make too much of a fuss.

It was awesome to hear the nurses say "they are acting older than their age" and "hitting all their marks". I know they still have a while to go before coming home but knowing how well they are doing keeps me thinking positive. 

The doctor increased their feeds to 25mL for each feeding time! They will probably be getting off their UV light by the next day. 

I'm so glad to see the girls continue to improve every day. I know so many people are praying for them and that is such a blessing to us. 

In Him,

Angie K

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